Savannah Catholic Show

A show for Catholics living in Savannah


Cathedral Basilica of St John to Hold Women's Retreat

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint John the Baptist in downtown Savannah will be hosting this Women's Retreat in August. The theme this year is "Filling Your Life with God's Love" and it's going to be held on Saturday, August 18th from 9am - 5pm. It'll be held in the newly renovated Parish Hall on the lower level of the basilica. This year's retreat will be led by Catholic author Carl McColeman.


  • The Cathedral Basilica of Saint John the Baptist in downtown Savannah will be hosting this Women's Retreat in August. The theme this year is "Filling Your Life with God's Love" and it's going to be held on Saturday, August 18th from 9am - 5pm. It'll be held in the newly renovated Parish Hall on the lower level of the basilica. This year's retreat will be led by Catholic author Carl McColeman, and experienced retreat leader, spiritual director and teacher of prayer. Carl's enthusiasm and love of the Lord will inspire you to begin (or deepen) your own journey of growing closer to Jesus through the gift of prayer.
  • Retreats can be a source of great joy, growth, and inspiration for women seeking to deepen their relationship with God and their fellow sisters. Women's Catholic retreats offer a sacred opportunity to step away from the demands of our daily routines and enter into a space of stillness and reflection. These retreats are carefully designed to create an atmosphere of peace and prayer, enabling us to focus on our spiritual journey without distractions. In this quietude, we can encounter God in a deeply personal way, listening to His gentle whispers and receiving His grace.
  • Women's retreats foster an environment of sisterhood, where we can connect, support, and encourage one another on our respective journeys. The shared experiences and wisdom of fellow attendees can inspire and strengthen our own faith, reminding us that we are not alone in our walk with Christ.
  • A women's Catholic retreat acts as a spiritual recharge, reigniting that inner flame and passion for God's love. Through inspiring talks, prayerful reflections, and engaging activities, we can rediscover the joy and hope that comes from surrendering ourselves to God's will.
  • Retreats provide dedicated time for prayer and meditation, allowing us to delve into our spiritual lives in a profound way. Away from distractions, we can explore different forms of prayer, engage in contemplation, and cultivate a closer relationship with Jesus. In these moments of intimacy with God, we can gain insights, find healing, and receive clarity in our spiritual discernment.
  • Another benefit of a retreat is that they can be a time of discernment, where we seek clarity about our vocations, callings, and purpose in life. By spending focused time with God, we can better understand His plans for us and feel empowered to embrace our roles as women in the Church and the world.