Savannah Catholic Show

A show for Catholics living in Savannah



35: World Day of the Poor is This Sunday

Compassion for the poor is a cornerstone of Catholic social teaching, deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and exemplified by the lives of countless saints and individuals throughout history. The Church's unwavering commitment to addressing poverty stems from a profound understanding of human dignity and the inherent worth of every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

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34: October is the Month of the Most Holy Rosary

In this episode, we talk about how the Rosary came to be the devotional focus in the Catholic Church during October. Learn about Pope Pius V's establishment of the Feast of the Holy Rosary, and later, Pope Leo XIII's decision to honor the Rosary during all of October.

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33: Blessed Carlo Acutis

On this episode, we learn about Blessed Carlo Acutis, a teenage computer whiz who used his skills to evangelize online and promote the Eucharist. Join us as we learn about his life, his legacy, and how he can inspire us to use our own gifts to share God's love with the world.

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32: Prefigurement in the Old Testament

In this episode, we will explore examples of how the Old Testament foreshadows the New Testament. We will look at specific examples of prefiguration and the parallels in Sacred Scripture.

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31: Remembering Saint Augustine

On August 28th, the Catholic Church celebrates one of the most prominent theologians and philosophers in the early Christian church - Saint Augustine. — He’s viewed as one of the most important of the Church Fathers and his writings influenced the development of Western philosophy and Western Christianity. His many important writings include The City of God, On Christian Doctrine and Confessions.

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30: Cathedral Basilica of St John to Hold Women's Retreat

The Cathedral Basilica of Saint John the Baptist in downtown Savannah will be hosting this Women's Retreat in August. The theme this year is "Filling Your Life with God's Love" and it's going to be held on Saturday, August 18th from 9am - 5pm. It'll be held in the newly renovated Parish Hall on the lower level of the basilica. This year's retreat will be led by Catholic author Carl McColeman.

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29: Give Thanks to the Lord - A Reflection on Today's Responsorial Psalm

Today on the Savannah Catholic Show, we reflect on the Responsorial Psalm for July 31st, Give thanks to the Lord, For He Is Good. These words serve as a powerful reminder to embrace gratitude as an integral part of our Catholic journey. Through gratitude, we open our hearts to experience God's presence more deeply and recognize His goodness in all aspects of life. Whether in moments of joy or in times of challenge, let us strive to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, acknowledging that God's love and providence endure forever.

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28: Saint Maria Goretti - The Saint of Purity

Sister Maria Goretti is a figure of immense inspiration and faith within the Roman Catholic tradition. Canonized as a saint in 1950, her life story demonstrates a deep, unwavering commitment to virtue and forgiveness, even in the face of extreme adversity.

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27: The Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle

In this episode of the Savannah Catholic Show, we take a look at the extraordinary journey of 'Doubting Thomas' from his initial skepticism to becoming one of the most passionate apostles of Christ. Discover how his quest for understanding led him from the streets of Jerusalem to the distant shores of India, transforming countless lives along the way.

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26: Cultivating a Fear of the Lord

In the realm of spirituality and divine wisdom, one concept that holds profound significance is the "fear of the Lord." This biblical term, often misunderstood, carries a deep and transformative message. It is through the fear of the Lord that believers embark on a journey of true wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

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25: Catholic Saints on the July Liturgical Calendar

Today, we're turning the pages of our liturgical calendar to the month of July. A time of summer sun, and warmth, July is also graced by the feasts of some truly remarkable saints in the Catholic Church, each with their own unique stories to tell.

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24: The Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

On June 29th, the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. This special feast day honors two extraordinary individuals who played pivotal roles in the establishment and growth of the early Christian Church. Saints Peter and Paul, often referred to as the "Pillars of the Church," left an indelible mark on Christianity, and their lives continue to inspire and guide believers to this day.

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22: The Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love

The Catholic Church teaches that faith, hope, and love are the three theological virtues that are fundamental to leading a Christian life. These virtues are considered theological because they are gifts from God that enable us to relate to Him and to others in a way that is in line with His will.

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21: Reflection on Palm Sunday and Upcoming Events in Savannah

This Sunday is Palm Sunday where Catholics commemorate a time perplexing historic event in our faith, as the very people who exalt Jesus on His entrance into Jerusalem, chanting "Hosanna" and words of adoration, will soon be shouting, "Crucify Him." Within a week, they will transition from hailing Him as the new King of Israel to demanding His life be exchanged for that of a convicted criminal, from praising Him to mocking Him.

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20: Reflection on the Story of Jesus Raising Lazarus from the Dead

In the story of Lazarus, we see the human emotions of Jesus: His love, His compassion, and His sorrow at the death of a friend. Jesus wept for Lazarus, showing us that He understands and shares in our human suffering. In times of pain and loss, we can find solace in knowing that Jesus is with us, mourning with us, and providing strength and comfort.

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13: God's Gift of Free Will and the Choices We Make

In our first reading from Mass this weekend, Sirach reminds us of the choices that we have in life, and the consequences that come with those choices. We have the ability to choose obedience to God's commandments, which will bring us salvation, or to ignore them and suffer the consequences.

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12: Previewing the Annual Golden and Silver Anniversary Mass and the Gala for Savannah Care Center

the Catholic teaching on Holy Matrimony places great value on the support and love that spouses offer each other, especially in times of need. It also recognizes the unique role that marriage plays in society and in the transmission of faith to future generations. This weekend, the Diocese of Savannah recognizes couples who are celebrating their 25th and 50th wedding anniversaries.

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11: Interview with Lisa Hendey about St James Catholic Women's Conference

Lisa Hendey, an award winning speaker, author & missionary disciple and she, along with Rachel Balducci, will be a featured speaker at the Saint James Women's Conference this weekend in Savannah. In this interview, Lisa shares with us what the typical women's conference is like, what the biggest challenges facing Catholic women today are, and she gives an overview of what she will be sharing this weekend.

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9: Mass for Legal Protection of Children at Cathedral Basilica in Savannah

Catholic social teaching on the topic of when life begins is rooted in the belief that human life is sacred and must be protected from the moment of conception. The Catholic Church teaches that every human being, from the moment of conception until natural death, has a right to life and must be treated with dignity and respect. On Wednesday, January 25th, a Mass for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children will be offered at Noon. In this episode, we also preview an upcoming women's conference at Saint James and promote a Men's club fundraiser at Saint Francis Cabrini.

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8: Do You Know the Date of Your Baptism

Baptism is opens the door to the spiritual life and is the gateway to the sacraments. Do you know the date of your own baptism? It should be a date each and every Catholic Christian should know and commemorate.

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6: Goodbye Pope Benedict XVI

One of the greatest theologians of our time, Pope Emeritus Benedict, died at the end of 2022 and this week the universal Church said goodbye to the first man in 600 years to resign the Papacy.

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5: The Epiphany - The Magi Left Their Comfort Zone

This weekend, is the Feast of the Epiphany, the church celebrates the manifestation of Jesus as the Son of God to the world. The word "epiphany" comes from the Greek word "epiphaneia," which means "manifestation" or "appearance." The Feast of the Epiphany commemorates the story of the three wise men, or magi, who followed a star to Bethlehem and brought gifts to the baby Jesus.

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2: Pope Francis on the Meaning of the Nativity Scene

In this episode of The Savannah Catholic Show, we discuss Pope Francis' apostolic letter "Admirabile Signum" on the meaning of the nativity. In it, Pope Francis reflects on the beauty and significance of the nativity scene, also known as the crèche or manger scene. The letter, which was released on December 1, 2019, is addressed to bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and all the faithful, and is meant to encourage them to reflect on the meaning and importance of the nativity scene in their own lives and communities.

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1: St. Lucy

On our first episode of the Savannah Catholic Show, we shine a spotlight on St. Lucy, who is the patron saint of the blind. Her feast day is celebrated on December 13th. Her name "Lucy" comes from Latin word "lux" which means light, and thus she is often depicted with a lamp or candle, symbolizing the light of Christ.

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