Savannah Catholic Show

A show for Catholics living in Savannah


Cultivating a Fear of the Lord

In the realm of spirituality and divine wisdom, one concept that holds profound significance is the "fear of the Lord." This biblical term, often misunderstood, carries a deep and transformative message. It is through the fear of the Lord that believers embark on a journey of true wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.


  • Fear (Awe) of the Lord is a gift of the Holy Spirit
  • Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
  • The fear of the Lord does not imply a terror or anxiety-induced dread of God. Rather, it encompasses a reverential awe, deep respect, and a profound recognition of God's transcendence, holiness, and authority. It is an acknowledgment of God's greatness, His divine majesty, and our complete dependence on Him.
  • The fear of the Lord is the starting point—the gateway that opens our hearts and minds to receive divine wisdom and understanding. It serves as a vital foundation upon which all other virtues and qualities can be built.
  • When we approach God with a genuine fear—a deep reverence for His holiness—we open ourselves up to His transformative power. The fear of the Lord fuels a desire to live in alignment with His will, to seek His guidance, and to live a life pleasing to Him. This fear acts as a safeguard, keeping us from sinful and destructive paths, and propels us towards virtuous and righteous choices.
  • As the foundation of wisdom, the fear of the Lord guides our thoughts, actions, and decisions, helping us to align our lives with God's will and purpose. Let us embrace the fear of the Lord and embark on a transformative