Savannah Catholic Show

A show for Catholics living in Savannah


The Ambo and The Importance of Staying Until the End of Mass for the Final Blessing

Lectors and Priests Proclaim God's Word from "The Ambo." In this episode we learn more about The Ambo and then we reflect why it's important to stay until the end of Mass and not leave right after receiving Holy Communion.


  • The Ambo is the "Altar of the Word"
  • Ambo comes from a Greek word meaning "elevated"
  • The Word of God is Proclaimed from the Ambo (not just read)
  • Too many Catholics leave Mass after receiving Holy Communion
  • Let's encourage friends and family to respect the dignity of the Sacred Liturgy by not leaving early
  • It's important to receive the "Final Blessing" after the Closing Prayer of the Mass